This site is designed for and dedicated to individuals diagnosed with the asbestos disease mesothelioma and their families. We hope it provides information and insight into this asbestos cancer, as well as its cause and treatment. To inquire further, please feel free to contact us. Information on how to contact us is provided at the bottom of this page.
Asbestos companies have known about the asbestos diseases mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis since before the 1940s, but hid their knowledge from the public. As a result, most persons with mesothelioma and their families have important legal rights to compensation from asbestos companies. Therefore, finding a lawyer experienced in handling cases of asbestos exposure, and more specifically mesothelioma, is very important.
Asbestos exposure can occur in many ways including, but not limited to, service on ships in the Navy, work aboard military or commercial ships, work as an insulator, or work in residential or commercial construction. In addition, asbestos exposure can occur from contact with individuals working in these trades.
Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lungs (pleural mesothelioma), peritoneum (peritoneal mesothelioma), or heart (pericardial mesothelioma) caused by asbestos exposure usually occurring 10, 20, 30 or more years before symptoms of the mesothelioma appear.
Finding good doctors and cancer treatment centers is very important for persons with mesothelioma or any other type of asbestos cancer. Over the past 20 years, we have helped people diagnosed with mesothelioma all over the nation. As a result, we work with some of the top doctors and cancer centers around the United States that specialize in treating mesothelioma.
Shepard A. Hoffman
For over 20 years, Shepard Hoffman has dedicated himself to representing persons and the families of persons diagnosed with asbestos-related cancer, and more specifically, mesothelioma. In at least 13 different states, Shepard Hoffman has tried cases to verdict on behalf of victims of mesothelioma. At the Law Offices of Shepard A. Hoffman, we feel fortunate to be able to pursue these cases for the victims of this asbestos disease and to have obtained some of the largest verdicts and settlements in the United States for our clients.
To get more information about asbestos exposure and the types of asbestos disease; or information about mesothelioma cancer, its treatment and locating the leading doctors and treatment centers; or information about finding a lawyer and the legal services we offer, please see the topics listed on the left.